Corporate Caterers, 4945 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI, 49548, caterers

U.S Eating, Drinking Michigan Eating, Drinking Michigan - List of United States Eating & Drinking Places

Corporate Caterers

Company Name: Corporate Caterers
Status: Active
State: Michigan
Post: 49548
County: Kent County
City: Grand Rapids
Address: 4945 Division Ave S
Phone: (616)551-0422
Fax: unknown
Contact Owner: Brenda Geoffroy
Web site:
SIC code: 581212 Industry group: Eating and Drinking Places, Business category: Eating Places, Subcategory: Caterers
Overall: Corporate Caterers is a business categorized under eating places, which is part of the larger category eating and drinking places. Corporate Caterers is located at the address 4945 Division Ave S in Grand Rapids, Michigan 49548. The Owner is Brenda Geoffroy who can be contacted at (616)551-0422.
Description: Corporate Caterers of West Michigan delivers exceptional catering for businesses and events of all kinds. We help you create memorable experiences. We offer fresh, innovative menus with dishes made from scratch. Our professional staff deliver, set up, and clean up everything. We even package the leftovers for you to enjoy later. Whether it’s a meeting, corporate event, or special occasion, we’re your silent partner, ensuring every detail is taken care of so you can focus on what matters. Let us set the table for your next event—where great food meets great ideas. Take your event to the next level. Contact us at Corporate Caterers of West Michigan.
Working hours: Mon-Fri 6:00AM - 5:00PM

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